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HOW-TO: Navigate in VFI Home Screen

When you log in to VFI you will be presented with the following view:

From the main VFI view you can gain access to the following: 

  1. Map View - The Map view provides a global view; this display different information depending on which nav menu options are selected and which map layers have been enabled. 

  1. Fleet Control – The Fleet Control allows you to select from different fleets that have been setup for your user. If you need new fleets added please contact Customer Success. 

  1. Nav Menu – The Nav Menu allows you to access different functionality, each Nav Menu option has submenu options to further dive into and interact with your fleet's information. 

  1. Map Controls – The Map Controls allow you to enable and disable various map layers which display in the map view. 

  1. User Menu – Under the User menu you will find our End User Licence Agreement (EULA), 3rd Party Agreements. You will also be able to change your password and log out. 

The VFI Nav Menu 

The VFI Nav Menu allows you to access the information stored on your vessels and fleet(s). Each Nav Menu items has sub menu options. For further information on each menu option, click on the help file associated with that menu option in the Nav Menu. 


The Favourites Nav Menu option allows you to quickly access sub menu options that are important to you. If you have not set any favourites, then this Nav Menu option will not display. To set favourites, click on the star button of any sub menu option that displays on hover. 

My Fleet 

Here you will find summaries of your vessel's information relating to their holdingsvoyager and port calls. You will be able to access a full route library of routes submitted from your vessels from VPS as well as create global reports for your fleets. 


Compliance provides information based on the vessel’s paper and digital chart and publication holdings. You will be able to see reporting on the corrections applied and any outstanding. A Technical library compliance will allow you to see the likes of which items may be missing and should be ordered. Inspections can be viewed here as well, allowing you to view the past 3 years of your vessel's inspections by vessel, fleet or port. 

Vessel Tracking 

Here you can find detailed vessel tracking information both historic and current. Not only will you be able to see what your vessels have planned for their voyager but what they have sailedFrom here you can also create tracking alerts for your vessel or fleet. This will allow you to receive notifications when a vessel deviates from their planned route for example or enters a port. 

Route Plan 

Route Plan allows you to plot routes and see which paper or digital products would be needed in relation to that route. As well as this you will be able to verify against your vessel's holdings. 


All information relating to your Orders, Invoices/Credits, Services and KPI. 


The More area allows you to access extra VFI functionality outside of the core VFI experience.