
User is trying to install their e-NP reader but faced with the error 0x80072ee7 - Unspecified Error


The error is a Windows OS error.


The vessel will need to ask their IT department to solve the issue, as it is not caused by the e-NP software. 

If the vessel have practiced frequently making a backup for restore point in Windows, they can try to restore to the point before the error occurred. 

We have dug up some information, these instructions are what we found in Microsoft support website. However it is still recommended that their IT department have a look at it.

(To resolve this error, examine the Hosts file. (This file may also be named Hosts.sam.) 

Make sure that the file does not list any static IP entries for the Windows Update Web site or for the Microsoft Update Web site. 

The Hosts file is located in the C:\Windows\system32\drivers\etc folder. To view the Hosts file, you may have to associate the file with Notepad. 

To do this, follow these steps:

- Right-click the Hosts file. 

- Click Open With, and then select Notepad from the list of programs.

If the Hosts file contains a static IP address that is associated with Windows Update or with Microsoft Update, comment the entry by adding the # sign at the beginning of the entry. You can also delete the whole line and save changes to the Hosts file. 

(Note Programs, such as Web accelerators, DNS accelerators, DNS caching utilities, and Spyblockers, can add static IP entries for the Windows Update Web site or for the Microsoft Update Web site to your Hosts file. This scenario can cause Windows Update or Microsoft Update to fail.)

Affected Systems:

- e-NP Reader (all versions)

